KS3 Information

Key Stage 3 covers Years 7, 8 and 9.

Year 7

During Year 7 pupils settle into secondary school life.  This is a big change for them, and you may have questions about school life or learning.

Any questions about progress and learning should be directed to the Year 7 Progress Leader.  Any pastoral concerns should be directed to the Year 7 Pastoral Support Manager (PSM).  You will find contact information on the Contact Us page.

Parents will have the opportunity to meet their child's mentor early on during Term 1, the Progress Leader and Year 7 PSM will also be available.

Pupils will take CATS Tests during Term 1, these tests help the school to identify what grades the pupils should be working towards.  You will receive a report detailing this information.  

Year 8


Year 9

During Year 9 pupils will start thinking about their GCSE options.  For more information about this go to the KS4 Options page.

Compulsory national curriculum subjects

  • English
  • maths
  • science
  • history
  • geography
  • modern foreign languages
  • design and technology
  • art and design
  • music
  • physical education
  • citizenship 
  • computing

Schools must also provide:

  • relationships, sex and health education
  • religious education

Parents can ask for their children to be taken out of sex education and religious education (for the whole lesson or part of the lesson)

Useful links for parents and carers