

The needs and safety of young people always comes first.  The Whitstable School is committed to safeguarding our pupils, staff and visitors.  We expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.

The Safeguarding Agenda incorporates child protection and concentrates on the well-being of the young person.

We aim to ensure that we detect any sign that could indicate a young person is not thriving or is failing to meet his/her potential.  Any concern will be acted upon.


What to do if you have a concern

At TWS we conduct regular risk assessments to ensure the school site is safe and secure.  Any concerns should be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr J. Brewster or a member of the Safeguarding Team:

Ms L Murphy - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr C Donovan-Bayley - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss S Moore - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr A. Hampton - Head of Year 7

Miss S. Paddick - Head of Year 8

Ms S Barrett - Head of Year 9

Miss M Harris - Head of Year 11


We see safeguarding as keeping our community safe from harm, abuse or injury.  We take our duty of care very seriously and will consistently follow up any concern.

The link to our local safeguarding partnership can be found here

If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with a child or young person online report this immediately to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP).

Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

The following Policies and Procedures can be found on our Policies page.

  • Child Protection & Safeguarding
  • Child on Child Protocol
  • Online Safety
  • PREVENT Risk Assessment

If you would like these in printed format please contact the school office.

Pupil Welfare Structure

Our pastoral support programme includes:

  • A dedicated pastoral team to support pupils with any concerns they may have around personal safety, managing emotions, building positive relationships and mental health concerns
  • Strong staff and pupil relationships to enable open discussion
  • Regular 'pupil voice' focus groups 
  • A designated safeguarding team of highly trained staff
  • Safe spaces around the school site
  • Extensive ongoing training delivered to all staff and trainees to help identify wellbeing and safeguarding concerns

At TWS all staff are concerned with pupil well-being.  To ensure that the school deals effectively with welfare, guidance and discipline, a formal pastoral structure is in place.

Mentors are responsible for the day to day welfare, guidance and discipline of pupils.  The mentor should be the first person a pupil will turn to for help or advice.  Mentors will monitor and support pupil welfare by promoting and celebrating positive behaviour, achievement and attendance.  Where appropriate, mentors refer concerns to the Pastoral Support Team.

The role of the mentor is supported, in the first instance, by the appropriate Pastoral Support Manager (PSM).  There is a dedicated Pastoral Support Manager for each year group.


We value the importance of delivering key safeguarding and protection messages to all pupils through our robust and adaptive curriculum. Educating young people about how to safeguard themselves and others is key to their character development and will enable them to have a positive personal ethos.  

  • Character education lessons develop student understanding of safeguarding and wellbeing through a range of topics such as bullying, online safety, healthy relationships and emotional and mental health
  • Students are informed and developed through mentor sessions, which include discussions and debate
  • Values education is taught across the wider school curriculum, through topical work such as poetry in English and bullying and mental health in drama 


Site Safety

Our site safety includes:

  • A secure school boundary
  • Cameras throughout the school communal areas
  • Filtered internet access
  • A secure system that allows staff to immediately raise wellbeing and safeguarding concerns
  • A team of Designated Safeguarding Leads (click here for details) who will respond to safeguarding concerns
  • Staff identification badges
  • Electronic sign in system for staff and visitors
  • Visitor identification badges
  • Robust visitor policy that follows the statutory guidance in the Department for Education's Keeping Children Safe in Education